Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy
Laura Hays, LMT, RPP, ZB, RSMT, CEIM
Integrative Therapies for Body-Mind-Spirit
Gloucester •W.Concord, MA
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) involves very gentle responsive listening to the craniosacral system, including the bones of the skull, brain, spinal chord, sacrum, and fluid membrane system that surrounds all of these structures. Designed to locate and release any imbalances in this system, CST stimulates and supports healthy functioning of the whole body and brings calmness and balance to the mind and spirit.
Laura began studying CST in 1984 with the Upledger Institute, completing CST1, CST2, SER1, and SER2. She has also studied Biodynamic CST with Franklin Sills and Scott Zamarut.
Further information about CST can be found at: or